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Consulta     17/12/2022


Formulada por: AliceKh

temporary protection

Descripción: Hello! I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, now I am in Ukraine. My husband is a citizen of Ukraine, now in Spain and will apply for temporary protection. We lived in Ukraine even before the start of the war, this is confirmed by the lease agreement for the apartment. The problem is that I could not get a residence permit in Ukraine and my passport has expired. Can I come to Spain and get temporary protection with my husband? Thank you in advance

Nacionalidad: Rusia

País de residencia: Ucrania

Respuesta 30/12/2022


Aportada por: Enrique Corredera Benítez

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogado Cruz Roja Málaga

Enunciado de respuesta:


There is a Telephone number for take an appoiment for de PT. +34 91 047 44 44

Kinds Regards,


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