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Consulta     27/12/2018


Formulada por: Umer

Denial of asylum

Descripción: Hi i got a denial in my asylum application as i submitted my red card (with work permission) for renewal. i just want to know that if i make an appeal against the denial decision will i be able to continue work legally? Thanks

Nacionalidad: Pakistán

País de residencia: España

Provincia: Barcelona

Respuesta 08/01/2019


Aportada por: Aitor Sáenz Genot

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogado.

Enunciado de respuesta:

Hellow, if you appeal, you Will have a new permit of work, but first you need the acceptance of that appeal.

Therefore, if you decided to appeal, you have to wait for the answer of the court, and then, if the answer is positive, yo Will be able to work.







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