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Consulta     02/11/2022


Formulada por: Llanto_Silencioso

Clarification on the Conditions of "Protección Internacional"

Descripción: Hello!

I'm searching for legal advice and would be thankful to see your response. I currently reside in Russia, and I'm planning to migrate to Spain for good at the beginning of next year. To give some context to the situation, I've already lived for 3 years (2015/18) in Vienna, studied at the Uni Wien, and was forced to finish my education in Moscow due to financial problems. My Austrian friends also moved to Spain, so that¿s why I'm considering fleeing there.

Here in Moscow, I¿ve got a whole package of social issues with unjustified war, recent and future mobilization threats, and the oppression of human rights with a new additional package of bills banning "propaganda" of non-traditional sexual relations (just forcing people to vanish in the shadows). Basically, with these new bills, the government equates me with pedophiles and cuts off all avenues of a peaceful life here. I've gone through the official papers and conditions of asylum for LGBTQ people and couldn't find the answer to the following question:
Asylum is granted to persons who can prove a real threat to their existence in the place from which they are fleeing. By my nature, I never got into trouble, kept my mouth shut, and did not express my thoughts publicly to avoid problems with the police, the state, and most of the homophobes in the country. Can I apply for asylum based on the general situation in the country? Or do I need to "make an actual case," for instance, say something on the street to get beaten up, document the beating, and have this as "proof" that the general situation in the country directly affects me?

I've already started to learn Spanish and Spanish history. I do not need free housing, as I am able to support myself through remote work. I am just looking for a peaceful life and equal conditions for all people. I don't want to come to Spain to get a guaranteed rejection followed by deportation to the inferno called Russia; that's why I'm asking you for advice. Thanks!

Nacionalidad: Rusia

País de residencia: Rusia

Respuesta 22/11/2022


Aportada por: Enrique Corredera Benítez

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogado Cruz Roja Málaga

Enunciado de respuesta:

Good evengin,

You can apply for International protection in Spain, because you lived in Austria a long time ago, the situation in Rusia is different ight now.



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