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Consulta     01/10/2014


Formulada por: mahmud

If i give divorce to my wife, will i lose my residence card?

Descripción: hello sir,
I got married with peruvian girls in my country Bnagladesh. After the marriage, she brought me to spain in 29 oct 2011.
Now we are separated and thinking to give divorce. I have just only residence card to stay here in spain and will be expired in 11 Nov 2016.

So, my question is this: after get divorce will i lose my permission to stay in spain? Or if i need to change my card how can I change it?
Your valuable recommendation will be greatfull for me.

Nacionalidad: India

País de residencia: España

Provincia: Madrid

Respuesta 01/10/2014


Aportada por: Javier Sánchez Ribas

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogado Fundación Migrar

Enunciado de respuesta:

Dear friend,

You will not lose your residence permit in Spain if you:

a) Have been married at least three years with a EU citizen.

b) You have resided in Spain at least for one year.

According to your question, you meet both requirements. Therefore, you will not lose your residence in case of divorce.

However, you will have to communicate the divorce to the police, using the form that you will find in the following link

Best regards.


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