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Consulta     05/01/2020


Formulada por: SMae_5385

Permanent Residency

Descripción: Hi, Good day.

I wanted to ask a couple of questions regarding the requirements for Permanent residency Application. Would it be necessary or a requirement that I am living and working in Spain on the last year of my 2 years Visa, before I will apply for permanent residency in Spain.

Is it a requirements that I have work in Spain when I apply for my Permanent Resident Visa?

Thank you in advance for answering my questions.

God bless mad and happy NEW YEAR 2020.. More power

Nacionalidad: Filipinas

País de residencia: España

Provincia: Vizcaya

Respuesta 07/01/2020


Aportada por: Raúl Báez Quintana

Su tarjeta de presentación: Asesor legal. Cruz Roja Española - Oficina Central

Enunciado de respuesta:

 Dear SMae_5385

Foreigners who have resided legally and continuously in Spanish territory for five years will have the right to obtain a long-term residence permit


The continuity referred to in the previous section will not be affected by absences from Spanish territory for up to six continuous months, provided that the sum of these does not exceed the total of ten months within the five years 

Best regards,




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