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Consulta     08/03/2023


Formulada por: Mikiantic

Moving to Spain to help a relative - how can i get residence?

Descripción: Hi,
I want to help an elderly person who cannot get out of bed. She needs help 24/7. We are family.
How can I get prolonged stay, as non-EU?

Nacionalidad: Yugoslavia (Serbia, Montenegro)

País de residencia: Yugoslavia (Serbia, Montenegro)

Respuesta 21/03/2023

Aportada por: Ana Rivas Márquez

Enunciado de respuesta:


If she doesn't have any direct relative (sucha as spanish daughter or son) if want to be complicated to get a residencia in the short time unless she has a big ilness that appear in Spain and she can not be treated in her own country. 

I recommend you to ask for an appointment in the legal services of Red Cross close to your common house in order to get deeply legal advice.

Best regards,


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