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Consulta     07/07/2021


Formulada por: Tim van hebol

Asylum situation

Descripción: Dear Sir/Madam
I arrived to Melilla, Spain in 2016 and asked for asylum. After 21 days I got transferred to Malaga and I stayed there for 36 hours. Then I told the organization ¿CEAR¿ which was taking care of me that I want to go to Germany.
I arrived to Germany in August 2016 and asked for asylum. I went through a Dublin procedure and after 6 months I did a Dublin interview. In the end my asylum request in Germany was refused because apparently Spain granted me a protection status in February 2017. The confusing thing is that there are two documents from the Spanish authorities with contradictory statements: One says that I got a protection status in Spain and the other says the transfer to Spain is expired according to the Dublin regulation.

I tried for years to stay in Germany or get an answer from Spain to know if I have a valid protection status there, but neither way worked out for me.

My German lawyer asked me to re-apply for asylum in Germany , which I did in August 2020 and in March 2021 they send me a letter that I have to leave Germany ¿ referring to the same answer of the Spanish authorities from 2017 that I have a protection status there.

I hired a lawyer in Spain since February to figure out my situation and until now there is no answer because he is telling me that the offices are not answering his letters nor his requests to get information about my situation.

So I am contacting you hoping that you could help me to figure out two questions:
Do I have a protection status in Spain or not? I need written proof for either case.
If I got a protection status in Spain in February 2017, do I still have it now after not being in Spain for five years?

Nacionalidad: Siria

País de residencia: Alemania

Respuesta 20/07/2021


Aportada por: Carlos Mas Alcántara

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogado. Cruz Roja Española - Madrid

Enunciado de respuesta:

Good morning:


First of all, follow the instructions of your lawyer, since he is the one who should advise you on these matters.


If you have come to Spain recently, the police at the airport will have given you a document to go to calle pradillo 40 in madrid. My advice is to go to that address.


The asylum and refugee office is located at calle pradillo 40 in madrid, and it is there that they will be able to answer your questions. you should go there with the documents you have enclosed.


about your questions: 


"Do I have protected status in Spain or not? I need written proof for either case."


if it is granted they will inform you at the Asylum office, and they will give you a copy of the resolution, and if it was granted they will inform you of the subsequent steps to take to document yourself.



"If I obtained a protection status in Spain in February 2017, do I still have it now after not being in Spain for five years?"


The grant of protection in Spain in principle is permanent, unless exceptionally any revisions are made.




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