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Consulta     14/02/2018


Formulada por: Noura133

legalization certificates

Descripción: I am from syria , living now in Barcelona. I had got acceptance for master in UB. I need to legalize me certificates to register in master
Can I legalize them from minsitry of foriegn affairs in Madrid or I have send them to spanish embassy in lebanan to legalize them
Is the legalization for orginal copy of certificates (written in arabic) Or for spanish translation of them?

Nacionalidad: Siria

País de residencia: España

Provincia: Barcelona

Comentario: study master in the UB

Respuesta 07/03/2018


Aportada por: Javier Sánchez Ribas

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogado Fundación Migrar

Enunciado de respuesta:

Dear friend,

Foreing documents must be legalised in the country where the documents were issued (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and in the Spanish Consulte in that country. You can legalise at the same time the translation of the document, or the legalised document can be translated later in Spain (traductor jurado). But I am afraide than in the case of Syria it is almost impossible to complete this procedure.

However, if your are an asylum seeker or you have been granted refugee status or subsidiary protection in Spain, you should be exempted of this requisite.

Good luck and best regards.


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