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Consulta     09/09/2016


Formulada por: Dar5778

Nationality by option. Three children with spanish nationality.

Descripción: Hello

I hope you are fine and good. Please guide me if I can apply for Spanish nationality

I am living in Denmark with my 3 children, all 3 children are Spanish national.

1) Nationality by Option
Option is a benefit offered by our legislation to foreigners who meet certain conditions in order to acquire Spanish nationality. The following shall be entitled to acquire Spanish nationality by option:

- Persons who are or have been subject to the parental authority of a Spaniard.

Thanks in advance
Kindest Regards

Nacionalidad: Pakistán

País de residencia: Dinamarca

Respuesta 12/09/2016


Aportada por: Javier Sánchez Ribas

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogado Fundación Migrar

Enunciado de respuesta:

  Dear friend, 

I am afraid that in your case it is not possible the option for the spanish nationality, since you do not meet the chriteria to opt for the spanish nationality, given that you are not in the following situation

"Persons who are or have been subject to the parental authority of a Spaniard"

This situation is the case where a non spanish child is the son of a Spaniard, what does not happen in your case.

However, the fact of being father or spansh children under the age of 18 can make easier to obtain legal residence in Spain. There is a residence permit called "autorización de residencia por arraigo familiar". You can apply for that permit in Spain without a prior visa, if you prove that you are father of one or more children of spanish nationality, and you live with them or you can prove that you fulfill your parental obligations.

You will find further information about this proceeding by clicking here.

Good luck and best regards.


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