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Consulta     15/03/2023


Formulada por: Azatik7

Questions about asylum

Descripción: 1. Is it possible to apply for asylum without obtaining a sieve?
2. What is the percentage of approval of LGBTQ cases in Spain?
3. How do I and my boyfriend legally legalize in Spain as a couple?
4. When can we legally work in Spain as refugees?
5. How best to prepare for an asylum application?

Nacionalidad: Rusia

País de residencia: Rusia

Comentario: -

Respuesta 16/03/2023


Aportada por: Sara Casero Loza

Su tarjeta de presentación: Asesora Jurídica de Protección Internacional y Apatridia

Enunciado de respuesta:

Good morning.

1. Sorry, I did not understand what you mean with "sieve"

2. Statistics about LGBT collective depends on the country of origin. There are no % published in particular about LGBT asylum demands from Rusia. What I can tell is that in the lastest figures published by the Spanish Government (2022), around 54% of the Russian cases were granted with some International Protection (asylum or Subsidiary Protection). As well, persecutions for sexual orientation tend to be protected in general, so the percentage in particular for this group may be higher.

3.You can get married in the Civi Register here in Spain. You will need: Identity documents (passport, ID...), Birth certificate, single status certificate. Anyway, if you get the asylum in Spain you can ask to be exempt of presenting documents of your country of origin.

4. Once you ask for asylum with an interview at the Police, you get a work permit after 6 months from that interview until the moment you receive an answer to your asylum demand. If the answer is positive, you mantain your work permit. If it's negative, you may loose the work permit and you will have to explore other work & residence permits.

5. You will have to explain in detail what kind of risk or menace have you experienced based on your sexual orientation, since when, from whom, dates, places, etc. And trying to get any possible proove: photos, videos, messages, testimonies of people, medical reports, etc. You will be able to ask for legal support to prepare your case in the best way possible.

Hope everything goes well. Regards,


Consulta 16/03/2023

Aportada por: Azatik7

Enunciado de respuesta:

¡Muchas gracias por sus respuestas!

Cuentame más por favor.

La primera pregunta puede haber sido mal traducida. La pregunta era esta. ¿Podemos solicitarle, por ejemplo, protección y asilo sin obtener un tamiz? Porque, como entendemos, es necesario hacer un tamiz a la llegada, esto es venir a la policía y obtener algún papel para brindar más servicios para obtener un refugiado. Todos los días controlamos la entrada al tamiz en diferentes ciudades de España, no hay plazas en absoluto. ¿O podemos pedirle ayuda para registrarse en un tamiz?

Próxima pregunta. Anteriormente escribimos nuestras historias, casos, confirmando que nuestra situación LGBT no es la mejor en Rusia. ¿Puede ayudarnos en la formación de nuestros casos, en su edición, corrección?


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