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Consulta     22/02/2024


Formulada por: B molla

Applying to arraigo laboral after asylum claim denial

Descripción: Hi there, how are you today? Hope you are doing well, the reason I'm waiting email is that I claimed Asylum Last year 2023 but unfortunately my Asylum claim was refused before my work permit was started then I did appeal against that refusal then after one month letter I started my work at restaurant now I have got full 8 month tax paper so, am I eligible to get resident via arraigo laboral?

Currently I'm in Madrid, I have done all of my Asylum process in Tenerife and in March 2024, my 2 year live will be complete so if I submit my application with you how much the possibility to get resident permit? Thanks

Nacionalidad: BanglaDesh

País de residencia: España

Provincia: Tenerife

Comentario: So my question is: am I eligible to access the arraigo laboral?

Respuesta 16/04/2024

Aportada por: Antonio Ruiz Núñez de Castro

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogado Cruz Roja Española Málaga

Enunciado de respuesta:

Hi, Bmolla:

Unfortunately you can not apply for arraigo laboral because they are not accepting the time worked as an asylum seeker in order to apply for arraigo laboral. You can apply for arraigo de formación (two years in Spain) or for arraigo social (after three years in Spain).

Best regards

Consulta 16/04/2024

Aportada por: B molla

Enunciado de respuesta:

Hi there,I wanted to apply arrigo farmacion How can I apply? I have got all necessary required documents for application so there are any lawyer in Tenerife South that I can make my file with two years root so please give lawyer details in Tenerife South legal aid lawyer contact number.. thanks 


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