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Consulta     04/09/2018


Formulada por: H.Q.M.

Ley 14/2013 Familiar prolongation

Descripción: Dear friends
I came as a "Tiular" (TI-T form) to work as highly qualified migrant 01/2017 and my wife join me as "Familiar" (TI-F form). Now is the time for 1st prolongation. During that time my wife got a job in Spain and also can be qualified as HQM. How she should apply for this? Will she get INITIAL ALTAMENTE CUALIFICADO and then she will need to do two prolongations before apply for permanent residence (or one prolonagation is enough to concatenate first 5 years required for permanent residence?)

Nacionalidad: Ucrania

País de residencia: España

Provincia: Barcelona

Respuesta 19/09/2018


Aportada por: Javier Sánchez Ribas

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogado Fundación Migrar

Enunciado de respuesta:

 Dear friend,

Since your wife resides legally in Spain, she can apply for the same permit as you have now (altamente cualificado). Is she fullfils the requirements, she will be granted this residence and work permit whithout problem

With regard to your second question, the long term residence requires five years of legal residence in Spain. Therefore, your wife can apply for this permit as soon as she completes five years of legal residence in Spain. It is not relevant if she has modified her residence permit.

Good luck and best regards.


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