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Consulta     19/06/2023


Formulada por: Dobrynin

asylum due to the possibility of forced recruitment for participation in the war

Descripción: I need legal assistance. My name is Boris, a Russian born on 15/06/. On 24/02/2020, I arrived in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria on a tourist visa to visit my family. My mother is a permanent resident of Spain, and my younger sister is a Spanish citizen through my father. Due to COVID-19 border closures, I couldn't return to Russia and had to stay in Spain. I lived with my mother and sister, registered at their address. My plan was to legalize my status through the family reunification program as an IT engineer, working remotely for Russia and meeting the income requirements. However, due to Russia's war with Ukraine, which my family and I strongly oppose, remote work and fund transfers from Russian banks were politically blocked due to sanctions. Consequently, I can't earn income or legalize my status in Spain, preventing me from working and supporting my family. Additionally, my mother, the sole guardian of my 10-year-old sister, has suffered gender-based violence. Returning to my country risks forced conscription for the war against Ukraine. I would like to know if I can apply for asylum in Spain based on "forced recruitment for war or conflict or coercion to use weapons." Although I lack documents confirming forced mobilization, it could happen upon returning to Russia. I'm also interested in obtaining residency rights in Spain as the son of a victim of gender-based violence, enabling me to work and support my financially struggling family. However, as an undocumented immigrant, I face challenges in finding employment, opening a bank account, renting a place without a Foreigner Identification Number (NIE) and sufficient income, and accessing medical assistance due to the current situation.

Nacionalidad: Rusia

País de residencia: España

Provincia: Las Palmas

Respuesta 20/06/2023

Aportada por: María Consolación Peláez Sanmartín

Su tarjeta de presentación: Migrantes, refugiados y solicitantes de protección internacional

Enunciado de respuesta:

Good morning. 

Since you are living in Las Palmas, and in view of the complexity of the situation you are describing, the best thing to do would be to go to our Red Cross headquarters in the city and ask for an appointment with our colleagues in the refugee programme who will be able to provide you with the appropriate information.

The office is located at C/ León y Castillo, 248, and the telephone number is 928 29 00 00.

Yours sincerely.



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