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Consulta     19/05/2023


Formulada por: Chido Chingezi

English-speaking lawyer and translator help for asylum application in Spain

Descripción: I'm looking for an English-speaking lawyer and if possible a translator to help communicate
To help me with my asylum process.

Nacionalidad: Zimbawe

País de residencia: España

Provincia: Málaga

Comentario: Thank you

Respuesta 23/05/2023


Aportada por: Lidia Cófreces López

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogada en Cruz Roja en Málaga.

Enunciado de respuesta:

Good morning. 

If you live in Malaga you could go to the Red Cross to talk with the lawyers group, all the group speak english. The lawyers can help you with all the asylum process and explain you all the process, support you and assess your case. 

On the other hand, during your asylum interview you have the right to an official interpreter.

Finally remember that it is important that you go to the Red Cross in Malaga to request an appointment with a lawyer. Greetings


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