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Consulta     27/02/2018


Formulada por: Sefaryo

Job Changing - Inicial Altamente Cualificado (Ley 14/2013)

Descripción: Hola,

I am working in Spain with a Highly Qualified Professional visa and it is valid for 2 years. (Until September 2018)

Can I change my job now if I find something else? Will it be a problem until end of the visa date?


Nacionalidad: Azerbaiyan

País de residencia: España

Provincia: Barcelona

Respuesta 08/03/2018


Aportada por: Javier Sánchez Ribas

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogado Fundación Migrar

Enunciado de respuesta:

 Dear friend,

With your current residence and work permit, you can work in a different job. However, if you want to renew your permit, the new job and the new employer should meet the same requirements than the initial ones.

You cand find further information clicking here

Good luck and best regards.


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