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Consulta     20/04/2023


Formulada por: chumachenko.vadym

Ukrainian from Crimea with russian wife and son

Descripción: Good afternoon
My name is Vadym and I am Ukrainian from Crimea.
My wife is Russian (lived in Crimea since 1997)
At the moment we have left for Georgia and live here with my family (wife and son).
I want to apply for asylum in Spain and come.

However, my situation is:
My son was born 3 weeks before the war (02/02/2022) and we could not go to the unoccupied territory of Ukraine to get him a birth certificate and a foreign passport.
To leave Russia, we had to issue a Russian birth certificate and a Russian passport for him.

As I understand it, my wife and son need Schengen visas to get to Spain, but we are afraid to return to Russia to open a visa, and we cannot open visa in Georgia, because we do not have a residence permit.
Is it possible to reunite with the family and fly together?
(I can't leave them here alone and fly to Spain)

Thanks in advance for your reply
Sincerely, Chumachenko

Nacionalidad: Ucrania

País de residencia: Georgia

Respuesta 21/04/2023

Aportada por: María Consolación Peláez Sanmartín

Su tarjeta de presentación: Migrantes, refugiados y solicitantes de protección internacional

Enunciado de respuesta:

Good afternoon,

You can go to the Spanish Embassy in Georgia (we give you an address and telephone number) and ask with the documents you have, what travel visa you need to get to Spain.

They can also check if they can apply for international protection at the same embassy to travel as applicants for international protection.

We hope we have helped you.

All the best

GMT Plaza 4th floor

4 Freedom Square

0105 Tbilisi

Phone +995 32 220 00 63

            +995 32 220 00 61





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