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Consulta     19/08/2023


Formulada por: TUNES2023

Certificado de empadronamito individual

Descripción: Dears,
Kindly, I would like to ask for your help to make the process of Certificado de empadronamito individual. I have and academic level and I would like to settle legally.
Thank you very much.

Nacionalidad: Tunicia

País de residencia: España

Provincia: Barcelona

Respuesta 25/08/2023

Aportada por: Myriam Fernandez

Su tarjeta de presentación: .

Enunciado de respuesta:

Dear TUNES2023,

The Portal Migrar can guide you through the process, explaining how to get the empadronamiento.

The empadronamiento is a certificate that serves as proof that you are residing in the designated municipality. The process varies a bit depending on the city hall of your city or town of residence. 

The website of your "ayuntamiento" will inform you with more detail on the procedure. For example, if you are residing in Barcelona (city) this web page has all of the relevant information: Alta en el Padrón municipal de habitantes | Oficina Virtual | Ajuntament de Barcelona

Generally, you must bring:

- An ID: in your case, a TIE or a passport.

- Proof of residence: a valid renting contract and/or other proof, such as a receipt of having payed the rent or a paid utility bill (for water, gas or electricity) if said bill was adressed to you.

All of the documents must be in Spanish or the local language (in your case, Catalán).

We wish you luck in this process.


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