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Consulta     06/02/2023


Formulada por: Eli_10

Regarding the possibility of obtaining T.I.E. on the territory of the Kingdom of Spain

Descripción: Good evening!

We are Ukrainians who have been in the Eurozone even before the start of the war and have not crossed the border since January 2022.
We live and work in Slovakia.

I want to ask about the possibility of obtaining a T.I.E. on the territory of the Kingdom of Spain.
We want to be able to officially stay in the country, to be able to work and leave without hindrance to other countries of the European Union, to Ukraine, and also to return back to Spain without hindrance.

Is it possible with our raw data to get a T.I.E.? It is possible to live and work with T.I.E. in the Canary Islands? If so, what is necessary for this?

We have a great desire to move to the Kingdom of Spain.
We will be grateful for the information!
Good day!

Nacionalidad: Ucrania

País de residencia: Eslovaquia

Respuesta 07/02/2023

Aportada por: Laura Martín

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogada.

Enunciado de respuesta:

Hi Eli,

In your situation, if you want to stay and work in Spain, you could apply for temporary protection. That kind of protection would give you a TIE.

Canary Islands is a part of Spain, so you could live and work there with that document without problems.

To apply for this protection, you just need:

- Your travel Ukrainian passport or ID card;

- Supporting documents of family ties (marriage certificate, birth certificate, adoption certificate...);

- Any other essential information to prove that the requirements for temporary protection are met;

- Passport size photos;

- Appointment required available in this link:

For further information, please, click on this link:

Best regards.


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