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Consulta     20/11/2016


Formulada por: shaimathamer

I am from yemen. Where can I get help in Spain?

Descripción: I cant not speak spainsh ,living with my husband in tarragona .we came from egypt .we are student now.we face allot of problems that all what we have gone to rent house .we were registered in un egypt . could you help us where we go to register and to get help?
Thank you

Nacionalidad: Yemen

País de residencia: España

Provincia: Tarragona

Respuesta 21/11/2016

Aportada por: Rocío Barco Durán

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogada. Cruz Roja Española - Ciudad Real

Enunciado de respuesta:

 Dear shaimathamer,

You should register in the census of your town. Usually, you can register with your NIE (the number that spanish administration give to you the first time you arrived to Spain) and with an address.

The registration in the census takes place in the main hall of your town or in the city council. 

Go there and ask for census ("empadronamiento" in spanish).


Regards and good luck.




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