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Consulta     06/11/2023


Formulada por: Dan1

International protection in Spain.

Descripción: Hi,

I am a British citizen looking to seek international protection in Spain due to discrimination and risk to life in the UK which authorities have been unwilling to make sure I am safe here in the UK.

I am looking for the best way to do this, would it be applying for protection at an airport when arriving into Spain?

Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you very much.


Nacionalidad: Gran Bretaña

País de residencia: Gran Bretaña

Respuesta 27/11/2023


Aportada por: Lidia Cófreces López

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogada en Cruz Roja en Málaga.

Enunciado de respuesta:

Good morning,

Foreign nationals of non-EU nationality or stateless persons who have a well-founded fear of being persecuted in their country on the grounds of race have the right. (Religion, nationality, political opinions, membership of a particular social group,  gender or sexual orientation and who are unable or unwilling to receive the protection of the authorities in your country).

You can apply for international protection in Spain both at the border post and at the police station by getting an appointment in the city where you are going to live.

The application is submitted in person and consists of an interview, which is  It is always carried out individually with an official authorized for this purpose. You'll be able to count with the presence of an interpreter and lawyer, if applicable.

I will send you a link with more information: Solicitar asilo en España - ACNUR España (




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