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Consulta     01/02/2023


Formulada por: EllaHad

NIE / TIE for British citizen

Descripción: Good afternoon

I am British and hold a NIE from living in Spain previously. I have just arrived in Spain and need to change my NIE to a TIE but I don't know how to go about doing this. I have previously been advised that my NIE is the appropriate one I can change to the TIE. Can you advise me what I need to do and where? I am based in Sanlucar de Barrameda.

Also, with my TIE does this mean I will be able to come and go from Spain to the UK when I wish to visit my family in the UK? Do I need any other sort of visa? I work remotely online currently.

Do I need to do any other documentation? Do I need to do the empadronamiento again?

Thanks for any help in advance. I find this all very confusing!

Kindest regards

Nacionalidad: Gran Bretaña

País de residencia: España

Provincia: Cádiz

Respuesta 13/02/2023


Aportada por: Paloma Hermoso Sousa

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogada Cruz Roja Sevilla

Enunciado de respuesta:

Hi Ella, 

Here is the difference between a NIE and a TIE: NIE is the equivalent to the Spanish ID and it contains mainly your ID number. On the other side, TIE is just the card that identifies you as a NIE holder. So your NIE does not have a expiration date, but your TIE does. 

In order to get a TIE, you just need to get an appointment for "toma de huellas" at the police office in Rota (check it out but I think it is the closest one to Sanlúcar). This is a formality required to get your TIE, so once they record your fingerprint they will issue your TIE within 50 days. Here is the link to the appointment site, select "Cádiz > CNP ROTA" and "Policía - toma de huella" to check out what documents you will need to submit:

The address is: CNP ROTA Av. Príncipes de España, 113.

Regarding your visits to the UK, you will still need your passport to travel. Your TIE is only valid within admin purpose but it not a valid travel document. But if you are a TIE holder because you have a residence permit you will not need a visa during its period of validity. 

The maximum number of days you could spend outside of Spain without losing it depends on your type of residence permit.




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