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Consulta     28/06/2016


Formulada por: Dar5778

Spanish citizenship for a spouse os spanish citizen with three spanish kids.

Descripción: Hello

I am a non EU citizen and my wife and 3 kids (8 years old, 6, 4 years old) are Spanish citizens. We got married about 9 years ago.

Question: Can I apply for Spanish citizen?

Thank you

Nacionalidad: Pakistán

País de residencia: Dinamarca

Respuesta 29/06/2016


Aportada por: Javier Sánchez Ribas

Su tarjeta de presentación: Abogado Fundación Migrar

Enunciado de respuesta:

 Dear friend,

As a spouse of a spanish citizen, you can apply for the spanish citizenship only if you are a legal resident in Spain during at least one year and your marriage has lasted at least one year.

Therefore, if you do not reside legally in Spain currently, you are not entitled to apply for the spanish citizenship.

You can fin further information about this procedure by clicking here.

Best regards.


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